Hotter Monogamy for 2025

Are you a monogamous couple looking to spice up your intimacy for the new year? Whether you are married or in a long-term committed relationship, you can discover ways to create hotter monogamy for 2025.

Why Strive for Hotter Monogamy?

Monogamous couples and ethically non-monogamous couples are similar in many ways. Both relationship styles strive for trust, communication, and genuine care while maintaining passion and enthusiasm. But where ‘ENM’ couples allow for sexual interactions and erotic stimuli outside of their core partnership, monogamous couples maintain a closed form of intimacy between two partners.

At the beginning of any intimate relationship, arousal comes easily. However, after years of developing a routine, additional responsibilities, or life changes, desire can sometimes be left on the back burner. “Being in a long-term monogamous relationship is notoriously difficult, and then you add kids into the mix, and it can be the death blow to a healthy sex life.”

Finding ways to rediscover your primal attraction is essential to maintaining a healthy, intimate relationship. Plus, seeking and implementing creative ideas will elevate the fun and playfulness in your monogamous relationship.

Keeping the Passion Alive

While some people may believe that monogamy can become boring or too restrictive, those who identify as monogamous find genuine fulfillment in this relationship style.

With monogamy may come more trust and familiarity with your partner, making it easier to find authentic vulnerability through sexual intimacy.  “Monogamy is a container for deeper growth and intimacy, for deeper love and deeper safety, but only if the work is done.”

To remain vibrant, all relationships require effort. By remaining mindful and prioritizing intimacy, sex between monogamous couples can remain thrilling, arousing, and satisfying.

Maintain Hotter Monogamy

To keep the passion burning, sometimes couples need to think outside the box to avoid the trappings of a monotonous sexual routine. Check out these suggestions below to maintain creativity and connection in your sex life.

Switching up locations.

If you are used to having sex in your bedroom (especially if you have young children or older parents living in your home), get out of the house and try a new sexual adventure elsewhere to avoid a mundane routine. Try having a backseat quickie or sex in a secluded outdoor setting. You can also visit Oasis Aqualounge for a sexy ‘staycation’ without planning an elaborate vacation.

Incorporate toys and props.

Sure, nothing beats the warm, sensual touch of your lover. But if you want to add some variety, try adding some frisky elements to your playtime. Sex toys are always a great addition, but you can also include household items such as pillows, sensual fabrics, or even DYI kink implements for extra naughtiness!

Discuss your fantasies.

Sexual fantasies are fun and healthy, and communicating them to your partner is a great way to stimulate the imagination and build a more intense, intimate bond. These illusions can be shared during hushed pillow talk, or they could be enacted. There shouldn’t be pressure to explore a fantasy in real life, but if you do, make sure you are both on the same page.

Plan ahead for sex (sometimes).

Sex shown in the movies is a great example of hot encounters being a spontaneous act, and there are very few instances that illustrate otherwise. However, in real life, we are busy with responsibilities. But being ‘too busy’ isn’t an excuse. It just means that you and your partner may need to schedule intimacy when you can both be present with each other.

Vary what ‘sex’ looks like.

Such as with any appetite, couples will have differing drives or may desire separate sexual stimuli. If conventional intercourse is your usual go-to, try enjoying an ‘oral-only’ experience for an evening. Or, if you want to explore sensation play, try teasing your partner while they wear a blindfold. Sexual practices can include more than genital contact, so use your fingers, tongues, voices, and imagination to diversify your play.

Don’t forget the romance.

Even if you’ve been with your partner for years, a little ‘courting’ goes a long way to preserve the fire between you. In long-term relationships, it can be easy to overlook the sexy nuances that brought you together in the first place. Incorporate some romantic elements to show how much your partner is desired and considered, such as using candles, massage oils, and music to set the mood.

You Deserve Hot, Monogamous Sex

Considering ways to elevate intimacy in your relationship is one step closer to hotter monogamy. “Once those initial butterflies fade and you settle into everyday routines, it’s easy for things to become a little blah in the bedroom, even if you’re still totally attracted to your partner.”

Monogamous couples can enjoy sensual, erotic, and imaginative encounters without having to change their relationship dynamics. And considering that more than half of the couples that visit Oasis Aqualounge consider themselves monogamous, you will be in good company at our club.

Mature Women; Aging and Sexually Empowered

Despite societal norms that suggest otherwise, mature women are reclaiming their sexual power and enjoying healthy sex lives. This article delves into how these women challenge stereotypes, proving that aging is not a barrier to intimacy and sexual satisfaction.

Aging Women and Sexual Confidence

To clarify the meaning of the term ‘mature,’ let’s consider this description to mean a woman who is over 40 years old and entering perimenopause and older. Perimenopause is a natural progression within a woman’s body, signaling the end of her reproductive years with a marked decrease in estrogen.

During perimenopause, fluctuating hormone levels may cause physical and emotional symptoms, which can result in a shift in sexual confidence and perception of one’s self. And given that pop culture does nothing to celebrate these natural developments, women sometimes feel pushed to the side once they can no longer reproduce.

But contrary to mainstream media, self-assurance and self-esteem has been shown to  increase with age, and so can sexual confidence.

Enhancing Sexual Satisfaction for Mature Women Over 50

When you consider the factors that foster a healthy and satisfying sex life for women, some of these components decline during and after menopause. With decreasing hormones and other life pressures, aging women may find it challenging to embrace their libidos and enjoy gratifying sexual experiences.

After menopause, libido declines, and changes in our bodies can make it difficult to get aroused, painful to have intercourse, and impossible to climax.” But this midlife transition is not a life sentence for bad sex!

Women and their intimate partners can work together to create an environment of trust, lust, patience, and fulfillment. Below are suggestions to enhance sexual satisfaction for mature women.

  1. Incorporating sex toys, such as vibrators, to increase clitoral stimulation.
  2. Investing in a quality lube. Water-based lubes are paired best with most sex toys, although silicone lube is longer-lasting.
  3. Taking extra time with various forms of foreplay to increase arousal.
  4. Honest communication about what feels good. Pretending to enjoy an activity only takes women out of their sexual experiences and leads to confusion with their partner.
  5. Trying new sexual adventures, such as having sex in different places or exploring new positions.
  6. Considering if hormone replacement therapy (often in the form of creams or gels that you rub in your skin) may be right for you to help combat vaginal dryness and other menopausal symptoms.  

How Can Mature Women Rediscover Sexual Confidence Post-Menopause?

Since our biggest sex organ is our brain, possessing self-confidence can surely boost a woman’s perception of herself. When a woman feels confident, she radiates positive, sensual energy that can be highly attractive to her partner.

However, the symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause can often work against a woman’s self-esteem. Conditions such as weight gain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and vaginal dryness can cause a negative shift in one’s confidence.

But there are methods of increasing one’s sexual self-confidence that will boost libido and will help to provide emotional regulation and mood stability.

  • Physical exercise, especially strength training. “Muscle mass declines at a rapid rate during the perimenopausal years, making strength training even more important over the age of 40.”
  • Embody your feminine energy. This can be as simple as indulging in a luxurious bubble bath, wearing sexy lingerie, or spritzing yourself with a sensual fragrance.
  • Consider your diet. Certain nutrients or supplements can help increase energy and satiety, assist with sleep challenges, helping you feel revitalized, especially during perimenopause.
  • Surround yourself with a supportive and sex-positive community. If you are a mature woman who is looking to explore erotic fantasies, immerse yourself in a non-judgmental and encouraging environment, such as Oasis Aqualounge.

Enjoy an Incredible Sex Life as a Mature Woman

Delight in the delicious sensations of your body while utilizing your past experiences to have the best sex of your life as an empowered and aging woman. Oasis Aqualounge is the perfect venue to help you explore your desires, either with or without a partner.

Our clothing-optional venue offers a humanizing look at natural bodies enjoying pleasure. The wide range of our 19+ guests offers a realistic portrayal of various erotic expressions, normalizing sexuality at any age.

If you can’t make it to the physical club, we also offer our Oasis Online Connections Network, where you can join our digital community to enjoy virtual seduction, video chats, online events, and an incredible community.

The women owners of Oasis Aqualounge (pictured in the featured image of this blog) want you to empower you to explore your sexuality; what are you waiting for?

How To Find A Unicorn; Secrets Revealed from Mythical Creatures

How to find a Unicorn

Many couples want to know how to find a unicorn to indulge their ultimate fantasy of finding a woman to join them for a threesome. Within ‘lifestyle terms,’ a ‘unicorn’ is considered a bisexual woman who is interested in having sex with both the female and male of the couple.

Unicorns are named as such because they are rare. And while the idea of having a hot threesome with a beautiful woman is popular, not everyone is successful in their search.

For couples who have attended our Unicorn Night event, held on the fourth Saturday at Oasis Aqualounge, a common practice is to seek out willing, solo women to join them for play. But just because you want something (or someone!) doesn’t mean they will automatically appear.

This blog will share not only how to find a unicorn but also, how to understand who unicorns are and what they want when seeking out couples for intimate encounters.

Your Dynamic as a Couple Matters

In sex-positive spaces, such as sex clubs or private play parties, the way you interact with your partner will be noticed.  Is your relationship loving, considerate and respectful? Or are the fumes of jealousy and insecurity orbiting your partnership?

Since unicorns are humans, and not objects, they will pick up on the way you two communicate and how you navigate a sexually-charged environment. And any hints of toxic behavior will most likely scare off your desired, magical rarity.

Before you consider playing with ‘a third,’ it’s important that your partnership is stable. Enjoying a threesome may be one way to get out of a sexual rut but remember that it’s not the responsibility of a unicorn to tiptoe around jealousy or to ‘add spice’ to your existing relationship.

The Difference Between Being Polyamorous and Enjoying a Sexual Adventure

Not all unicorn hunters are created equally. Some may desire an exciting sexual experience within their otherwise closed relationship. Other couples may choose a triad or explore a polyamorous union with another woman, which could involve a committed relationship with all three individuals or a more casual arrangement.

Understanding the diverse preferences of unicorn hunters and unicorns is crucial. Some unicorns may be polyamorous and seek a triad relationship, while others may be more interested in casual, NSA (‘no strings attached’) sexual experiences. “And this arrangement might appeal to a single woman for many reasons. Maybe she enjoys the attention and feeling of being special that she gets from fulfilling a couple’s fantasy.” This knowledge empowers us to navigate these relationships with respect and understanding.

Knowing your preferences as a couple and what your unicorn is seeking will help you determine where to find your mythical beauty.

What’s the Best Way to Find a Unicorn?

You can’t find what you are looking for unless you know where to look. Similar to any adult who is seeking intimate encounters, unicorns can often be found at sex or swingers’ parties. Many unicorns use dating apps specific to ENM configurations, such as Feeld or our Oasis Online Connections Network.

However, where you find a unicorn will result in what you are looking for as a couple. If you are seeking a purely sexual experience, we suggest visiting our Unicorn Night event at Oasis Aqualounge or a swinger’s party. “Swingers events are typically for straight couples and single women, and the hookups and interactions tend to be much more focused on sex and one-night-only, so it’s an appropriate place to show up with your unicorn hunting mission.”

Suppose you are looking to build a triad relationship or to date a unicorn outside of casual sex. In that case, you should set up a dating profile to seek out other unicorns looking for the same relationship configuration

Understanding the Mystique: What Makes Unicorns Unique

For many, unicorns are an enigma. But why are they considered so mysterious? The truth is that unicorns are well sought-after, and sometimes, that can feel overwhelming.

These women possess their own desires and fantasies; they are not just starring roles in your coveted threesome. And if a unicorn senses that she may be (unwillingly) objectified, it’s easy to scare off this exceptional being.

Unicorns are unique because they are singular, independent from your relationship, and in high demand. They understand their power; unicorns know the difference between need and want. And thus, they can appear or disappear, depending on the circumstances.

Building Trust with Unicorns

One of the best tools in finding a unicorn is to create an environment of trust, regardless if the interaction is a casual sexual encounter or a budding relationship.

You can start by showing genuine interest in the woman you both desire. Ask her questions about herself, learn about her interests, fantasies and also, her boundaries. Prioritize making her feel safe and considered; allow her to voice any concerns or inquiries she may have.

And while within immediate sexual encounters there is usually an urgency to play, provide enough time for your unicorn to feel aroused and comfortable, at her own pace.

How to Find A Unicorn at Unicorn Night at Oasis Aqualounge

There are plenty of avenues on where you can find a unicorn. Our Unicorn Night event at Oasis Aqualounge is a popular option for couples who are looking for a woman to join them.

But beyond just attending the event with high expectations, it’s important to incorporate tools to help attract what you might be seeking.

Don’t be afraid to make the first move to approach a unicorn; many solo women prefer a couple to be proactive. Unicorns have also expressed that sometimes, they prefer one person within the couple to approach them first (generally the woman), with the other person being introduced after some initial conversation.

In addition, know what you want, as a couple. Unicorns don’t want to guess your dynamic or be confused by what you desire from them. Use kind, respectful and direct language to create an atmosphere of transparency.

We always encourage our guests to participate in our unicorn-themed icebreakers at the event. These games allow everyone to interact in a no-pressure environment. You never know what could happen, unless you engage.

Finally, don’t take rejection personally or let rejection taint your existing relationship. If all that happens is that you meet a few unicorns for conversation only, consider that a win; you tried something new! And always remember at Oasis Aqualounge, ask once and only once.