Looking for volunteers to be filmed at Oasis Aqualounge-closed hours
Actor/Director Steve Markle, best known for the films Testees (2008) and Camp Hollywood (2009) is shooting a documentary about the world’s most interesting women that is scheduled to premier at next year’s TIFF festival. He will be interviewing Jana Matthews, owner of Oasis Aqualounge. In addition, he would like to include footage of the club and is happy to include any volunteers that are interested in appearing on camera, as part of this project.
Since discretion and comfort of our guests is of great importance, we are looking to open up the venue outside of regular business hours to allow any volunteers who would like to appear on camera during this filming. Couples and women are invited to Oasis Aqualounge on Monday September 29th between the hours of 8:00am-11:00am to enjoy the facilities, socialize and play-while participating in front of the cameras. All participants would be required to sign a waiver in order to be filmed. Guests will receive a 50% off card for participating.
If you and/or your partner(s)/friends would like to participate, please email: info@oasisaqualounge.com for more information.