
What a whirlwind of a sex-tacular weekend! The lovely Oasis ladies had loads of fun at Sexapalooza meeting all kinds of interesting people and new friends. Many were excited to fill out ballots for a chance to win one out of five Couples Weekend Passes to Oasis and to hear all about the various events the club has to offer, like First Taste,Hot Springs and Pole Dance Night to name a few.

Infinite Body Arts visited our booth for a few hours on Saturday to promote their body painting at the club later that night. Oasis owner Jana, Marketing Coordinator Holly and host of Hot Springs MsKitty took advantage of these talented body painters, showing off their creative designs and encouraging trade show goers to get some done. Our good friends from Genesis even stopped by Saturday to promote their upcoming fetish night at Oasis on Sunday March 10. It was a long weekend but with such upbeat staff on hand the hours seemed to fly by.

Back at the club we were happy to welcome many new guests that had made their way downtown from Sexapalooza. The club was very busy for Sexy Jeans Night, complete with body painters painting ‘denim’ on guests and our illustration artist Annie Fanny popped in too. Lots of couples were busy upstairs playing, no doubt giving the newbies a good show!

Special thanks to the staff for their help at the booth as well as the staff ‘holding down the fort’ back at the club.

We even made the Mississauga news! Check out the link below:–sex-sex-and-more-sex