What to wear to Oasis Aqualounge
What is the dress code at Oasis Aqualounge?
- ElleStyles
- Kinky Miss Lingerie
- Seduction
- Stag Shop
- Snow Glow NYE event!
- Suits and Nudes!
- Wear some leather/latex for fetish event
- Costume/theme nights
- Glow in the dark body paint!
- Oasis bikini-available for sale at the club
- Wrap yourself in a robe or a towel
- Wear some fetish gear to Fetish Friday
- Masquerade masks are always welcome!
- Sexy panty party-slip on some satin/silk!
- Go for retro look in some fresh 80’s wear!
That is one of our most frequently asked questions! Oasis Aqualounge offers a clothing-optional experience but like everything at the club, it is at your own comfort level. No one is required to be naked or remain naked. You will be provided with a locker to store your belongings so you may bring outfits, swimwear, lingerie-whatever tickles your fancy! Our guests rock a variety of looks. If suntanning/swimming in the buff is not right for you, feel free to bring your swimsuit. In case you forgot a bikini, Oasis sells swimwear at the club for only $20. *Designs/sizes/quantites limited-while supplies last.* If you are feeling chilly in the winter months, wrap yourself up in fresh towels or bring a robe.
If you are planning for a weekend evening out, club wear or sexy lingerie is perfectly acceptable. Some events are themed so refer to our website for ideas and inspiration. We have a variety of fun parties that encourage dressing up and costume play. Customers who enjoy the Oasis dungeon or special fetish events love to bring their fetish outfits-anything from lace to latex is welcome. Oasis works with a variety of retailers who sometimes provide free giveaways and/or sample outfits. We have welcomed ElleStyles, Kinky Miss Lingerie, Seduction and The Stag Shop. Looking for a nearby place to shop for an outfit? Most of these locations are just blocks away from the club. One special couple-The Wratens-often drop by Oasis to provide special, complimentary outfits for women. Check the website or our social media pages for their next visit.
We are a body-positive establishment, meaning all shapes and sizes are welcome and admired. The most important aspect is that you feel comfortable and sexy during your visit so wear (or don’t wear) what makes you feel amazing. Enjoy the freedom to express your own individuality.