Drawing Lesson From Kahbbie: Figures & Fantasies Event

Do you love to draw and/or model for erotic art? Check out our monthly Figures and Fantasies event on the first Monday of every month. We offer life drawings and the chance to express your sexual self through art. Students, singles and couples welcome.
Hello everyone! I’m Tina, my art alias is Kahbbie and today I’m gonna briefly go over how to let personality come through your art plus some tips and tricks that I use to make art and have fun while doing it.
I think when it comes to making your art as unique as you people generally lean on their art style but that’s just the foundation of what makes are unique and you can definitely build on it during the concept phase.
When I started this piece I knew I wanted to capture the feeling of spending the afternoon in bed masturbating to your heart’s content and I could’ve simply drawn a person under the covers in a bed with white sheets and no discernible features with a toy but that would be boring for me and for you. You’ll have way more fun when you turn your subject matter into something that only you could draw.
So I started with the character – who is she outside of the piece? Because I liked the punk character I designed in the last illustration and I recently saw Captain Marvel and have been digging the Mohawk look I decided to make the character have an alternative hairstyle and piercings, but I didn’t want to just make her a punk. Then I had the idea maybe she’s both a sporty person and a punk rock fan to subvert the idea that people can only be one or the other.
Then I moved to the masturbation aspect, how do you represent the idea that a person is masturbating for a long time with only one image? Using my offhand knowledge of the various kinds of sex toys available on the market I decided that drawing multiple toys of different shapes looking used around the character would subtly show that the character has been having fun for a while. Drawing what you know is also a part of bringing your personality into a piece.
(I also added in the lube and toy cleaner because they’re both important to playing with toys safely.)
Finally, color plays a huge part in making a piece unique and tells it’s own story. Purple is the most common color of sex toy and in terms of color theory represents luxury and magic – all associations I wanted to make the viewer have with the piece and used only colors that complimented it.