Slip Into ‘Bathleisure’ With An Oasis AquaShop Robe

The ‘bathleisure’ trend-first made famous by Rihanna-combines glamour, comfort and function. The components are simple; a bathrobe and a bath towel. Simply slip your beautiful bod into a robe, wrap a towel around your head (as though you are drying your wet hair) and pair with a glam necklace or other fun accessories.

This trend couldn’t be more suited to the clothing optional environment of Oasis Aqualounge.  As the weather warms up, ditch your coat for a cozy Oasis AquaShop robe and enter our venue ready to party and play!

Visit us at for online orders or purchase a robe during your visit. Snap a cute selfie and post it on our Oasis AquaShop Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter page.

We put the ‘clothing in clothing optional,’ you put the sexy in sex club!