Charity Clothing Swap & Raffle

Racks of clothing in a rainbow array of colors overflowed the ballroom on Monday July 23rd during our Sass After Class Swap Night & Raffle event.  The clothing swap event brought in bargain hunters and good Samaritans.

All proceeds and leftover clothing were donated to Jessie’s Center.  Andrew-a guest who made a cash donation in exchange for a chance to look through the clothes described finding the perfect tweed jacket  as”better than sex”.

Those who made cash donations were entered into a draw  to win a TOUCH automatic warming lube dispenser! Congrats to our winner Delroy;  we hope you get great use out of it!

Jessie’s Center was also  touched that Oasis’ guests donated two duffel bags worth of clothing, along with a cash donation. We are so honored to welcome a community of people  who are so generous and kindhearted.