Geek Out!
FanExpo Teaser @ Hot Springs
Wednesday August 27, 2014
Geeks, gamers & regular guests thoroughly enjoyed the Oasis FanExpo Teaser event during Hot Springs. A great crowd gathered on the main floor for the comic book themed burlesque show at 11:00 pm. Burly newcomer to Oasis Scarlet LaFlamme started off the show with her sexy cat woman act that had the audience purring for more. Next up, Delicia Pastiche (Nerd Girl Burlesque) captivated the crowd with her version of “Black Cat.” The audience couldn’t wait to see what was underneath her cat suit! The final performance of the night was Oasis resident burly performer Fionna Flauntit as “Mystique,” painted from head to toe and baring it all! It was an awesome show filled with amazing costumes and super (hero) sex appeal!
Special thanks to The Original Face for the body painting & to our guest host Steve Winchester.
- Costume/theme nights