Introducing Miss Behave: A Perspective on Hot Springs at Oasis Aqualounge
I’ve always been fascinated with the sex industry. I love erotic pictures, movies, and stories, but I was always a relatively shy and reserved person. It all started with my first visit to a strip club. All kinds of emotions ran through my head that night. As someone who was very self-conscious about their own nudity, I was amazed at how comfortable these women were showcasing their bodies. To me, it represented the ultimate in strength, power, and confidence, and I admired these women tremendously. I knew I wanted to tap into that power that these ladies possessed, and it’s been quite a journey!
I started out as a web cam girl, and then eventually moved on to stripping. Stripping seemed very enticing to me and once I started working in clubs, I loved the beautiful ladies I was constantly surrounded by (who I occasionally had some sexy fun with!) in addition to the next-to-naked outfits and 7 inch heels that were fun to wear. However, what I didn’t like was working where I didn’t feel safe, the cattiness and jealousy between many of the dancers, and horribly disrespectful customers who assumed a false sense of entitlement to your body, just because they were paying you. After two years, I left the stripping industry.
I found out about Oasis and went there for the first time three years ago, and was in absolute awe. I was shocked at how open everyone was with their sexuality. I loved how there was such a variety in race, gender, and sexual orientation openly expressing themselves in such a beautiful and safe atmosphere. I was intrigued, and I knew I wanted more.
I’ve now been working at Oasis Aqualounge as a socializer for Hot Springs Wednesdays for almost a year now. I speak with all kinds of people, particularly single men who are new to the club and might not feel so comfortable in this kind of environment, though it doesn’t take too long for them to loosen up after a few encouraging words. I’m a hardcore sapiosexual (someone who is sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind), so the conversations I have with many of the guests here are absolutely priceless. Oasis attracts people from all walks of life, from all over the world, with all kinds of backgrounds and careers. I recently interacted with a married couple who drove for 6 hours to come here because they heard so many good things about the club and there’s no other place like it where they’re from.
The husband was handsome and very nice, but it was his wife that caught my immediate attention. She was beyond beautiful, standing at 5’6, with gorgeous hazel eyes, succulent full lips, and rocking her sexy full figure with the utmost confidence-to the point where that you couldn’t take your eyes off her! They invited me over to have a drink with them, and she complemented me on my outfit (a black fishnet dress and g string that left little to the imagination) and I complemented her on hers (rather, her lack of one). We chatted for a bit, and she wasted no time in letting me know that she was incredibly attracted to me. They told me that they had an open relationship where her husband was not only comfortable with his wife playing with other women; he encouraged it. They’ve always had this type of marriage, and they asked me if I thought that was weird, to which I replied, absolutely not! If I ever decided to get married, that would be the kind of marriage I would want – one with openness and total acceptance.
Society tends to try and define what a romantic partnership should consist of, and monogamy is the supposed default, when in actuality, there are so many different kinds of relationships, and whatever works for you is cool. At one of my first shifts as a socializer, I had a great conversation with a married woman that had sex with five men that day and was texting her husband all the dirty details, who was jealous that he wasn’t there to watch.
Every Hot Springs is different. It’s one of the few nights at Oasis where single men are welcome. The club does have its weekly regulars, but the club always attracts more and more new faces that are intrigued by the idea of an adult playground. It is hosted by the beautiful MsKitty, who always looks good enough to eat (and I mean that in the naughtiest way possible!). Single men are welcome to roam the first and second floors freely, but must be have female accompaniment for the third floor lounge area. Of course, this doesn’t mean that a single man who hasn’t been invited upstairs will never witness any hot and heavy action. My favourite room at Oasis, by far, is the dungeon. If only those walls could talk… they’ve witnessed everything from The Right Approach to Attracting Women workshops with the gorgeous and lovely Miss F, to naked yoga, Sybian try-outs, fisting, blow jobs, gang bangs, impact play, bondage, the list goes on. Personally, I appreciate all the sexy female eye candy that helps to indulge my sweet tooth (only in my vivid imagination of course, since unfortunately I can’t play while I work). However what I do at Oasis on my own time, on the other hand, is another story!
Every Wednesday I find myself in awe of how beautiful true liberation can be. Freedom comes in so many forms, and sexual freedom is no exception. Sex is a part of life. Life begins with sex; technically, it’s a necessity to our existence. So if that’s the case, why must so many of us be so uptight about it? The fact is that many of us feel that we can’t express our true selves without being judged. Oasis provides the perfect atmosphere to check the limitations society puts on us at the door and feel completely free to do whatever you want.
Perhaps if we were raised without shame and guilt about our desires, we might be freer people in more ways than simply the sexual.”
–The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships& Other Adventures, by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy