Let’s Give Thanks for Sexy Events! Recapping Oct. 9th-10th

Oct 9Autumn was in full frontal bloom this lovely Thanksgiving weekend at Oasis Aqualounge. On Friday October 9th, guests enjoyed some sexy spinning on the pole during our monthly Pole Envy class.  The night saw not one but two sexy  instructors that provided lessons and demonstrations for both women and men at the club. Miss F provided complimentary body decor on the main floor and decorated customers with glitz, glamour and rhinstone designs. Our DJ for the evening-The One Rustafari-played some fantastic tunes with had the crowd dancing and playing throughout the venue.

pole envy image









Saturday Oct 10th welcomed guests to a night of Pirate Pleasure and a sexy scavenger hunt! Host Mistress Penny awarded customers who arrived in costume with gift bags full of fabulous Oasis swag, clothing and sex toys. The evening offered beautiful weather that allowed for swimming under the stars and playful fun amidst the various rooms in the club. For those curious about what the scavenger hunt had to offer, check out a copy below and try out a few of these, on your next visit to Oasis!

Oct 10

Oct 10th