Oasis AquaFlirts at #Pride2016
The Oasis AquaFlirts were in full flirty force during Pride 2016, which was celebrated throughout the entire month of June. This fun-loving and diverse team of promotional staff spread the Oasis message of sex and body positivity in and around the Church and Wellesley Village and the downtown core. In addition to offerings of 50% coupons for first-time guests of the club, the AquaFlirts also handed out branded Pride tattoos, that were created especially for Pride Month-proud and flirty indeed!
- AQF’s on the Oasis Aqualounge Float for the Pride Parade
The AquaFlirts love meeting new people and made a lot of friends during Toronto Pride. Whether it was tourists visiting Toronto or Pride festivities for the first time, the AquaFlirts offered a friendly smile, information about Oasis Aqualounge and fun photo opportunities with various groups involved in the festival.
The AquaFlirts also marched alongside the Oasis Aqualounge float on Sunday July 3rd during the massive Pride Parade, held in downtown Toronto. The Pride festivities may be over but you can still catch the AquaFlirts this summer at various Toronto events and inside the club. Follow their adventures on Twitter and Facebook and find out more about what Oasis Aqualounge has to offer!