Oasis AquaFlirts Welcome Ryerson Students
The Oasis AquaFlirts ‘went back to school’ from September 4-September 7 during the Week Of Welcome; a series of festivities put on by Ryerson University, which welcomes new students to campus.
The AquaFlirts shared information about Oasis Aqualounge, with particular focus on our weekly Sass After Class events and our new Industry Night Mondays. They enjoyed chatting with students who were both familiar and new to the offerings of our sex-positive club.
Armed with festival balloons, marketing material and their signature, spirited energy, our promotional team was able to make valuable connections while being blessed with the last days of summer weather.
We are looking forward to welcoming new faces to Oasis Aqualounge this fall. For more information about our events and facilities, please email info@oasisaqualounge.com.