Oasis Ice Bucket Challenge

August 2014,

If you watch TV, listen to the radio, own a cell phone or computer then you have definitely heard or seen this latest phenomenon that has been spreading the word about ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) across the world. During Hot Springs on Wednesday August 27  Oasis held their version of the Ice Bucket Challenge…in the buff! This definitely was one of the best ice breakers (no pun intended) that we’ve had at Hot Springs!

Guests had a blast as they watched each brave soul who bared it all for a bucket of ice water being dumped over their heads.  No doubt Oasis was the perfect setting for such a challenge, the heated pool & hot tub certainly were put to good use post-bucket spillage.

All proceeds have been donated to the ALS Association.  We want to thank everyone for their support.

Check out these videos of our awesome staff who took the plunge:

