Rendezvous Revue Saturday
January 5, 2013
Great Canadian Burlesque & guests wowed the crowd once again at Saturday’s Rendezvous Revue. Buxom blonde Belle Jumelles opened the show with a sultry modern number with a larger than life finish. With a name like Belle Jumelles it’s no wonder an impromptu french lesson followed her act….if you know what we mean. Newcomer to the Oasis stage vintage vixen Paralee Pearl from Glamour Puss Burlesque flaunted her pole skills and sexy stocking peel. The talent from Glamour Puss didn’t stop there, the lovely Rubie Laframboise performed to a charming french number. Another newcomer to Oasis pin up vamp Laura Desiree really got the audience hootin’ and hollarin’ while GCB sweetheart Dolly Berlin showed off her naughty side. Mysterion the Mindreader posed as Rickie Ricardo and Fionna Flauntit as Lucille Ball had the crowd in stitches as they performed their rendition of “I Love Lucy.” It was another fantastic night, many couples stayed and played after the show and the pool was busy and bustlin’. Looking forward to next month’s burly show.