The Other Woman by Evguenia of Spirit Sex Lab

Alice’s husband opened the bedroom door. She was waiting for him with anticipation, naked, under the sheets… “How was it?” – she asked? “Did you enjoy FUCKING her?” “I had a good time” he said with a smile. “Tell me, I want to hear all of the details!” – Alice started feeling the longing, almost painful throbbing sensation in her pussy. The idea of her husband coming back from a hot sexy date immediately turned her on. She was wet.

…It hasn’t always been this easy for her. She could remember the first time he was leaving for a sex date a few years ago when they just opened their marriage… She felt hurt, possessive and jealous back then. She was afraid to lose how special it was to be with him, to own him. She remembered sitting on top of him naked as he was laying on the bed and silently crying all over his chest. Covering his whole body with the tears of loss. The loss of exclusivity. The loss of specialness. The loss of ownership.

He leaned over and kissed her – she noticed the taste of a different woman on his lips. A scent of the other woman on his clothes… She got incredibly turned on by the thought that someone else’s hands just caressed him a few minutes ago, someone else’s lips lustfully kissed his body… She imagined his thick dick entering someone else’s pussy. “Tell me…” she said passionately touching and kissing him. She simply couldn’t keep her hands off of this man. Tonight, it felt like they have just met for the very first time; and sparks were flying around just like twenty years ago…

…By letting something go, you create a space for even greater things to enter into your life. Exclusivity turned into inclusivity. Specialness into uniqueness. Ownership into excitement and freedom. Alice learned that love was possible without possession. One person’s needs could be easier met by multiple people. One could love more than one person… Multiple partners multiplied lust. And no competition was possible because everyone was unique and therefore irreplaceable. All people fit like unique puzzle pieces into the spots specific only to them into a multidimensional puzzle called a human being.

FINALLY she got a hold of his cock. She could not keep her mouth off of it, tasting HER taste, feeling the rush of electricity running through the body. They didn’t make love, no. They had an amazing, lustful fuck. Just like animals – kissing, biting, licking, fucking.

Alice and her husband just couldn’t get enough of each other. Passion. Ignited by his story of the sex date, enhanced by Alice’s vivid imagination… Intensified by the other woman’s Scent. Passion. Love.

Thank you to author  Evguenia (she/her) of Spirit Sex Lab; Sexuality guide and Energy therapist, with daily sexy blog on Instagram,  Facebook and Youtube