Valentines Day with the Oasis AquaFlirts

Armed with messages of love, sex and body-positivity, the AquaFlirts connected with York University students to share what Oasis Aqualounge has to offer; in particular, information on our weekly Sass After Class events. We thank the Absinthe Pub for welcoming our promotional team to participate in their event.

On Thursday February 14, the Oasis AquaFlirts donned their favorite lingerie and promoted at the Valentines Lingerie Mega Pub which was held at The Absinthe Pub on the York University campus.

Catch more of the Oasis AquaFlirts this spring and summer, around the city of Toronto. Or visit us and meet with them, at the club.

If you are familiar with the Oasis Aqualounge environment and are looking to work fun, flexible hours, contact, attention Miss F. We are always looking to add new faces to our promotional team.